The fees are currently estimated (to be firmed up after the pre-registration closes) and due as follows;
Note: To pre-register your team, please follow the steps carefully outlined below:
Complete the online pre-registration form by using the following link and submit PRIOR to Friday 12th December 2022:
All European National Federations are kindly requested to fill out the pre-registration form to express an interest to participate at EUC 2023. A bid allocation list will be compiled by the EUF Events Team using the data collected from pre-registration. EUF will then make firm bid offers to each Member National Federation (NF) for each division on Monday 19th December 2022.
Each NF will then have the opportunity to accept the bids offered by making the team fee payment prior to Friday 9th January 2023. All responses for pre-registration from NF’s should be received no later than Friday 12th December 2022.
A full bid list with Countries Participating will be published via press release and the event website after the team fees are collected by the due date of Friday 9th January 2023. This will likely be communicated officially in January 2023.
Please note – adding extra bids, or changing from one division to another after the pre-registration closes is not possible – all NF’s are asked to carefully consider their choices when filling out the pre-registration divisions you wish to send a team.

- The Tournament Organising Committee will invoice and collect all fees for EUC
- All fees are in Euro € (please ensure your payment is made in the right currency)
- The team fee is NOT reimbursable for any team that withdraws after 9th January 2023. Teams withdrawing for your own reasons does not fall into the Cancellation policy for event cancellation. The player fee can be transferred to another player but is NOT reimbursable (subject to certain exceptions and restrictions)
- All bank fees and transfer charges are at the cost of the payer – if there are any outstanding monies they will be collected in cash during on-site event registration
- All fees will be confirmed and clearly outlined AFTER team pre-registration closes on the 9th December 2022.
Player Fees will include event accreditation, field and roster access for play, access to all player zones and meetings, access to the party and also the event gift and can access the podium to receive medals.
Non-Playing Team Support (NPTS) fees are for people traveling and associated with the team (coaches, medics, support, admin and guests) but are not taking the field to play. They will receive the same benefits as a player but will not be on any roster and are not entitled to play. Spectators are non-accredited individuals who will not be able to participate with the team or take part in any of the event or team functions and will be treated as spectators.
EUF in consultation with the TOC will continue to review health and safety recommendations of international authorities such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), and take into consideration the rules and regulations of the relevant government authorities. Closer to the event, an event specific hygiene plan will be released to teams which could include possible changes to the planned social events & ceremonies.