Sweden Open – Nation Spotlight

We had the pleasure of working with Jonatan Angergård from KFUM Örebro who gave us his time to inform us on the successes and achievements made by the Sweden Open Division to date.  

The Swedish Open Division aspires to progress as far as possible at the European Ultimate Championships 2023, with the objective of leaving Ireland with medals around their neck. 

At the moment, one could say the Swedish Ultimate community is experiencing a generational shift as many new, up and coming young players are making their impressions on the field. While this shift is far from complete, as we anticipate many significant players to be representing their nation in July, it is reassuring for the future of Ultimate in Sweden seeing new enthusiasm coming to life across the country.

Pivotal to the recent success of the Open Ultimate Community in Sweden today has been their performance at The European Ultimate Indoor Championships held in Lithuania. Although a disappointing result for the team, Sweden brought what can be considered a relatively young lineup who performed exceptionally well, demonstrating the talents and level the young players can perform at an International level.

While the team competing at the European Ultimate Championships 2023 is still in its selection process, initial camps held have demonstrated huge potential for the team that would transpire, making the journey to Limerick one filled with excitement and determination. A taxing factor to take into account in the team selection for EUC 2023 is associated with the number of younger players competing, or rather not competing, for a spot on the team. Due to World Under-24 Ultimate Championships (WU24) coinciding with EUC 2023, taking place in the same month, it has resulted in many younger players choosing only to partake in WU23, proving to be a challenge for the Swedish Ultimate Community.

But nevertheless, the Swedish Open team carries huge potential with reassurance that a great team will be traveling to Limerick to fight for a European Gold Medal thanks to the efforts by the Swedish Federation. Facilitating eminent selection camps and conducting all preparations for International representation in a highly professional manner, the Swedish Frisbeesport Federation (SFF) have offered players the pleasure of having professional athletes host practice sessions in developing necessary skills to have on the field.

In spite of the fact that the team is traveling to Sunny, Sunny Limerick, they are enthralled and wish for “The Green Island” to deliver some rainy conditions in order to bring another dimension of Ultimate to the fore. How these conditions can be curated by the Emerald Isle will be one that will astonish crowds but one we will watch tentatively to see how teams adapt.

Should you find this team preparing for a match up that will prove to be popcorn worthy, you can expect to hear the song “Blood // Water” by “grandson” blowing in the wind. Be sure to keep an eye and ear out to see how this team progress and continue their preparations for the EUC 2023 on the following channels:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ultimatesweden/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ultimatesweden/ 

Website: https://svenskultimate.se/